Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors

The company’s Board of Directors consists of seven directors (including four independent directors) with a term of three years. The fifth term of the Board of Directors runs from June 29, 2022, to June 28, 2025. The Board of Directors is responsible for guiding the company’s strategy, overseeing the management team, and being accountable to the company and shareholders. Its main duties include deliberating on the company’s operating policies and long-term development plans, reviewing and supervising the implementation of annual financial business plans, auditing budgets and financial statements, establishing internal control systems and assessing their effectiveness, appointing and dismissing senior executives, convening shareholder meetings, and implementing resolutions adopted by the shareholders’ meeting.

Information disclosure on the professional qualifications of the directors, and state of independence of the independent directors

Name/Condition Gender Professional qualifications and experiences State of independence Number of public companies in which Independent Directors also hold positions
Fang, Jung-Hsi
M ● Possesses work experience in commercial, legal, or other areas required by the company business.
● Masters, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University.
● Previously served as Sales Director of Allied Material Technology Corp., Director of Innolux Corporation, GM of Advanced Optoelectronic Technology.,
● Is not under any of the circumstances as described in Article 30 of the Company Act.
Not applicable None
Chuang, Hong-Jen
M ● Possesses work experience in commercial, legal, finance, accounting or other areas required by the company business.
● Masters, Department of Accounting, Soochow University.
● Previously served as Chairperson of Innolux Corporation, Chairperson of Advanced Optoelectronic Technology., Chairperson of GIS.
● Is not under any of the circumstances as described in Article 30 of the Company Act.
Not applicable None
Chang, Deng-Kai
M ● Possesses work experiences in commercial, legal or other areas required by the company business.
● Masters in Business Administration, Daito Bunka University in Japan.
● Previously served as General Director of CEO Office, Chimei Innolux Corporation. Currently, is serving as Chairperson and President of Century Technology (shenzhen) Corporation limited.
● Is not under any of the circumstances as described in Article 30 of the Company Act.
Not applicable None
Independent Director
Liu, Shi-Heh
M ● Possesses work experience in commercial, legal, finance, accounting or other areas required by the company business.
● Masters, Department of Finance, National Taiwan University.
● Previously served as Specialist of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation, Bureau of Foreign Trade, Sales Vice President of Fubon Securities Co., Ltd., Chairperson of Empire Vision, Chairperson of Unicon Optical Co., Ltd.
● Is not under any of the circumstances as described in Article 30 of the Company Act.
● The Director, his/her spouse, and none of his/her relatives within the second degree of kinship are a Director, Supervisor or employee of the Company or of other affiliated enterprises.
● The Director, his/her spouse, and relatives within the second degree of kinship do not hold Company shares.
● Does not hold position as a director, supervisor or employee of a designated company that has a specified relationship with the Company.
● Has neither provided business, legal, financial, or accounting services to the Company or its affiliates nor has obtained compensation for the aforementioned services in the most recent two years.
● The Independent Director Liu, Shi-Heh meets the independence status.
Independent Director
Yu, Hsiang-Tun
M ● Possesses work experience in commercial, legal, finance, accounting or other areas required by the company business.
● Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University.
● Previously served as Section Manager, Sales Department, Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd., GM of Singapore Yamaichi Merchant Bank, Section Manager, Trust and Custody Department, Merrill Lynch Japan, Head of Legal Department, PGIM Japan, Deputy Head of International Management Department, Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
● Is not under any of the circumstances as described in Article 30 of the Company Act.
● The Director, his/her spouse, and none of his/her relatives within the second degree of kinship are a Director, Supervisor or employee of the Company or of other affiliated enterprises.
● Holds company shares for 4,000 shares, with shareholding at 0.003%.
● Does not hold position as a director, supervisor or employee of a designated company that has a specified relationship with the Company.
● Has neither provided business, legal, financial, or accounting services to the Company or its affiliates nor has obtained compensation for the aforementioned services in the most recent two years.
● The Independent Director Yu, Hsiang-Tun meets the independence status.
Independent Director
Charles W. Tu
M ● An instructor or higher in a department related to the business needs of the company in a public or private junior college, college, or university.
● PhD, School of Engineering & Applied Science, Yale University, USA.
● Previously served as Researcher, AT&T Bell Labs, Head of Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego. Currently serving as Honorary Professor, University of California, San Diego, Yushan Scholar, National Chung Hsing University.
● Is not under any of the circumstances as described in Article 30 of the Company Act.
● The Director, his/her spouse, and none of his/her relatives within the second degree of kinship are a Director, Supervisor or employee of the Company or of other affiliated enterprises.
● The Director, his/her spouse, and relatives within the second degree of kinship do not hold Company shares.
● Does not hold position as a director, supervisor or employee of a designated company that has a specified relationship with the Company.
● Has neither provided business, legal, financial, or accounting services to the Company or its affiliates nor has obtained compensation for the aforementioned services in the most recent two years.
● The Independent Director Charles W. Tu meets the independence status.
Independent Director
Wang, Shu-Lan
F ● Possesses work experiences in commercial, finance, accounting or other areas required by the company business.
● Master of Business Administration, California Miramar University.
● Previously served as Special Assistant to Chairperson, Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd.
● Is not under any of the circumstances as described in Article 30 of the Company Act.
● The Director, his/her spouse, and none of his/her relatives within the second degree of kinship are a Director, Supervisor or employee of the Company or of other affiliated enterprises.
● The Director, his/her spouse, and relatives within the second degree of kinship do not hold Company shares.
● Does not hold position as a director, supervisor or employee of a designated company that has a specified relationship with the Company.
● Has neither provided business, legal, financial, or accounting services to the Company or its affiliates nor has obtained compensation for the aforementioned services in the most recent two years.
● The Independent Director Wang, Shu-Lan meets the independence status.

Diversity policy of the Board, Specific management goals and State of implementation

Diversity policy of the Board of Directors:

To strengthen corporate governance and promote the sound development of board composition and structure, and to implement the policy of board member diversity, our company adheres to the guidelines on board member diversity policy outlined in the “Practical Guidelines for Corporate Governance.”

Each Board member shall have the necessary knowledge, skill, and experience to perform their duties. To achieve the ideal goals of corporate governance, the overall skills that the board shall possess are as below:

(A)Operation Judgment Skills.

(B)Accounting and Financial Analysis Skills.

(C)Management Administration Skills.

(D)Crisis Handling Skills.

(E)Industry Knowledge.

(F)International Market Perspectives.

(G)Leadership Skills.

(F)Strategic Decision Skills.


The current Board of Directors of our company consists of 7 directors, including 4 independent directors and 3 non-independent directors. All directors are distinguished professionals from industry and academia, possessing diverse and complementary industry experience as well as expertise in finance, accounting, law, and other professional capabilities, in line with the board’s diversity policy and management objectives.

State of implementation:

There are a total of 7 board members for the 10th Board of Directors. The members come from various professional backgrounds in law, industry, finance, marketing, and technology. In their different professional background, they possess various professional skills in business management and leading strategic decisions, operations judgement and crisis handling, accounting and financial analysis skills, industry knowledge, and international market perspectives, exhibiting diverse complementary results. All of the Directors are of Republic of China nationality, and their ages span from 54 to 73 years old. There is 1 director who is concurrently the company’s manager, and the percentage of the directors with employee status stands at 14%, meeting the goal of not exceeding one-third in management overlap. Four independent directors account for the proportion of the board members 57%, surpassing the one-third management target, the board of directors includes 1 female independent director, meeting the management objective of having at least one female director among the board members.

State of implementation on related diversity policy is as in the table below


Gender Professional background Professional skills
Legal Industry Finance and accounting Marketing Tech Business management and leading strategic decisions Operations judgement and crisis handling Accounting and Financial Analysis Skills Industry Knowledge Int’l Market Perspectives
Fang, Jung-Hsi M V V V V V V V V
Chuang, Hong-Jen M V V V V V V V V V V
Chang, Deng-Kai M V V V V V V V V
Liu, Shi-Heh M V V V V V V V
Yu, Hsiang-Tun M V V V V V V
Charles W. Tu M V V V V V
Wang, Shu-Lan F V V V V V V V

Specific management goals and achievement status of diversification policies are as follows

Management Goal Achievement Status
No more than one-third of the board seats should be held by executive directors. Achieved
The board should include at least one female member. Achieved
Independent directors should hold more than one-third of the board seats. Achieved

Succession planning for board members and key management

1. Succession planning and operation status of board members:
The company adopts a candidate nomination system for the election of directors, and clearly stipulates the diversity policy for board members in the “Corporate Governance Practice
Principle”, including gender, age, nationality, professional knowledge and skills, etc. in the diversity policy. There are a total of 7 board members. Members have professional
backgrounds in law, industry, accounting, marketing and technology, etc., and have different professional backgrounds, such as operation management and leadership decision-making, operational judgment and crisis management, accounting and financial analysis capabilities, industry knowledge and international market perspective, etc. Professional capabilities demonstrate diverse and complementary effects. The composition structure of the
company’s board of directors should include no less than one-third of the directors as independent directors, and directors who also serve as company managers should not exceed one-third of the directors in order to achieve the goal of corporate governance. In order to meet the needs of sustainable operation of the enterprise and implement the operation strategy, directors who are also managers of the company should possess
operational judgment ability, accounting and financial analysis ability, business management ability, crisis management ability, industry knowledge, international market perspective, leadership ability and decision-making capacity. For high-potential talents, the company conducts ability training and performance evaluation through internal and external courses, project experience, job rotation, etc. based on the abilities they should possess to serve as directors, in order to meet the company’s expectations. The company will use the “board
performance evaluation results” as a reference for director nomination and renewal.
2. Succession planning and operation of important management levels:
(1) The company’s human resources department coordinates the establishment of a talent development system. In addition to clearly defining the functional roles and responsibilities, it also conducts systematic education and training, as well as promotion conditions andschedule planning based on the abilities required for each position, and organizes the functional development system structure of managers at all levels. The company conducts talent review from time to time and implements talent development and assessment plans for high-potential talents to develop high-level executive talents needed for the company’s sustainable development. In addition, the company has also included “talent cultivation and development” as one of the key items in the performance evaluation of managers at all levels, and improved the talent cultivation system in conjunction with departmental goals.
(2) Organize high-level executive strategy consensus workshops, conducted twice a year, focusing on annual strategy formulation for future planning. Various thematic courses and discussions are included, with topics such as systems thinking, performance management, talent management, high-performance leadership, organizational change and continuous improvement, change management, strategic thinking and planning, leading business growth, talent development and leadership succession, strategy mapping, and the development and systematization of leadership talent. This enables senior executives to lead their teams and work together with the company towards strategic goals.
(3) The company conducts management capability training for the leadership team every year. Through external industry knowledge, insights into new technologies, and best practice sharing from benchmark companies, participants gain an understanding of the latest management concepts and trends. Internally, the training enhances organizational cohesion by sharing the company’s culture and leadership practices in management. Additionally, through the transmission of experiences and insights, a common organizational goal is established, strengthening the sense of identity and engagement with the company.
3. The company’s talent development training system:

Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors

The Company’s Board of Directors passed the “Regulations Governing the Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors” on November 12, 2019, under which it is stipulated that the Board of Directors and individual directors shall be evaluated at least once a year. Performance evaluation may be conducted through internal self-assessment, board member self-assessment, peer assessment, appointment of external professional institutions, experts, or other appropriate methods. The evaluation indicators include include the following five aspects:the level of participation in the Company’s operations, improvement of the quality of decision-making of the Board, composition and structure of the Board, election and continuous education of directors, internal control and so forth. The results of the performance evaluation of the Board of Directors will be reported to the Board of Directors and used as a reference for individual directors’ compensation and nomination for re-election. The performance evaluation results of 2023 have been reported to the Board of Directors on March 12,2024.

The list of the 10th Board of Directors members of our company and their main educational and professional backgrounds are as follows

Mr. Fang, Jung-Hsi Chairman

Main educational background

Master, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University

Sales Dept. Head of Allied Material Technology Corp.

Dept. head, Innolux Corp

General Manager, Advanced

Optoelectronic Technology(AOT)

Mr. Chuang, Hong-Jen Director

Main educational background

Master, Dept. of Accounting, Soochow University

Chairman, Innolux Corp.

Chairman, Advanced Optoelectronic


Chairman, GIS Holding LTD

Mr. Chang, Deng-Kai Director

Main educational background

Master, Dept. of Business Management, Daito Bunka University, Japan

Dept head of CEO office , Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp.

Mr. Liu, Shi-Heh Independent Director

Main educational background

Master, Dept. of Finance, National Taiwan University

Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Specialist, TSEC

VP of Sales, Fubon Securities Co.,

President, Unicon Optical Co.,

President, Empire Vision Optical

Mr. Yu, Hsiang-Tun Independent Director

Main educational background

B.S., Dept. of Business Academy, Keio University, Japan

Acting Manager, Int’l Business Dept., Yamaichi Securities, Japan

General Manager, Yamaichi Merchant Bank (Singapore) Ltd.,

Section Manager, Trust Custody Dept., Merrill Lynch, Japan

Minister, Management and Legal Dept., Prudential Financial Securities Investment Trust Enterprise, Japan

Vice Minister, Daiwa Asset Management Co. Ltd., Japan

Charles W. Tu Independent Director

Ph.D. of Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University

Researcher of AT&T Bell Labs

Dean of Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering, UCSD

VC, College of Engineering, UCSD

Ms. Wang, Shu-Lan Independent Director

Main educational background

Master of Business Administration, California Miramar University.

Special Assistant to Chairperson, Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd.