Sustainable Issues

Rongchuang views its employees as the most important asset, adhering to a people-oriented corporate philosophy. The company is committed to creating a friendly workplace and providing a safe, healthy, and comfortable working environment, enabling employees to focus on their tasks. Rongchuang has established comprehensive compensation and benefits programs, complies with labor laws, upholds human rights policies, and strengthens occupational health and safety management to protect employee rights. The company also offers complete educational training to employees, fostering a secure and happy workplace.

Employee welfare measures

1. Employee remuneration
The Company provides employees with remuneration based on their educational background, professional experience, job title, market conditions, and the Company’s profitability. Establish and implement reasonable employee benefit measures (including compensation, leave, and other benefits), and appropriately reflect business performance or results in employee compensation to ensure recruitment, retention, and motivation of human resources, achieving the goal of sustainable operations.
2. Workplace diversity and equality
As of December 31, 2024, there are 475 female employees, making up 68.15% of the total workforce. Among them, 16 hold managerial or higher positions, accounting for 29.63%, a slight increase compared to last year (27.2%).
3. Leave
The Company’s leave system complies with laws. Employees who need child-care or with serious injuries or illnesses are entitled to leave without pay and reinstatement upon expiration of the leave of absence. The Company also has a flexible working system to accommodate work and family care needs.
4. Allowances, gifts and subsidies
The Employee Welfare Committee is set up to plan and provide various benefits of high quality to employees, such as: Three major holiday gift vouchers, birthday vouchers, wedding/funeral allowances, maternity allowances, hospitalization allowances, and employee and children scholarships, emergency subsidies, domestic travel subsidies, employee subsidies for club activities, in addition to regular employee health check-up, physical and mental health seminars, employee cafeteria and other benefits.


The Company has established a clear remuneration policy. In addition to the three-festival bonus, if the Company makes annual profits, it shall allocate no less than 5% of the remuneration to employees, and the remuneration and bonuses shall be allocated according to individual performance evaluation results to achieve the purpose of motivating employees.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Operations

1. The Company has set up medical offices at Hukou Plant and Siwei Plant with professional nurses to provide employees with necessary health and first-aid facilities, health education, and regular health examinations. The “Health Promotion Label” issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare has been obtained. The courses offered for employees in 2024 are as follows:

Name of the course Number of course hours  Total participants  Total training hours
ISO14001&ISO45001 2 9 18
ISO14064(一) 6 12 72
ISO14064(二) 1 10 10
Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods General Knowledge Course 3 66 198
Occupational safety and health training for managers at all levels 3 126 378
EHS certification courses(一) 3 8 24
EHS certification courses(二) 6 10 60
EHS certification courses(三) 12 3 36
EHS certification courses(四) 18 1 18
EHS certification courses(五) 102 1 102
Total 156 246 916

2. Commission a qualified testing agency to monitor the work environment every six months, and plan various safety and health education and training, conduct factory site inspections to explore potential risks, fire prevention training, and evacuation drills. The Company has obtained ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and TOSHMS certification. Implement safety and health management through PDCA’s continuous improvement spirit.

3. In 2024, there were 7 occupational accidents involving employees and 7 employees were injured, accounting for 1.004% of the total employees. All of them encountered traffic accidents on the way to and from work. 1 were factory injuries, and 6 were commute traffic accidents.

4. There were no fire incidents in 2024. The company does yearly fire equipment checks, quarterly self-inspections, and random weekly inspections.

Career Development and Skills Training Program

The Company establishes effective training programs for employees’ career development:
1. Provide newcomers with education and training to help newcomers understand the working environment and related rules and regulations as soon as possible.
2. Formulate the license management system and related measures. Employees must complete relevant training and pass the certification exam before they can operate the production machines independently.
3. According to the Employee Education and Training Management Regulations, the Company organizes various professional training on engineering and quality control to ensure employees’ professional competence in performing duties.
4. Organize managerial training according to the level of management (basic, middle, and senior) to assist and strengthen their organizational management skills.
5. Organize work ability and skill improvement courses to cultivate employees’ improvement of work efficiency and self-management ability.
6. Employees may apply for external training according to their needs, so as to understand market trends and the latest knowledge and technology, in order to improve work ability.

Employee retirement system and implementation

1. Old system: The Company established the “Organization Charter Governing the Labor Pension Reserve Supervisory Committee” in accordance with the Labor Standards Act. According to this, employees who started to work before June 30, 2005 are entitled to the old retirement system or the new system. 2% of the monthly salary is appropriated to a special account in Taiwan bank under the old system pension fund, and is supervised and managed by the Company’s “Labor Pension Reserve Supervisory Committee.” In October 2022, it was approved by the employer and the employee at the Supervisory Committee to settle the old pensions in accordance with Paragraph 3, Article 11 of the Labor Pension Act. The pension is paid out of the dedicated pension fund account at the Bank of Taiwan after approval by the Company’s labor affairs competent authority in Hsinchu County’s labor division. And the remaining funds in the labor retirement preparation account were approved for withdrawal by the competent authority in May 2023.
2. New system: For the employees who started to work on July 1, 2005, and the employees who were originally applicable to the old system and have opted to join the new system, the Company allocates 6% of their total salaries into the pension fund on a monthly basis in accordance with the “Labor Pension Act.”

Implementation of labor-management meeting

Rongchuang has a proven track record of harmonious labor-management relations. To further strengthen this relationship, we hold quarterly labor-management meetings where employees and management can discuss and address issues of mutual concern.

●  Labor-Management Council

∨  Management Representatives: Appointed by the company from among senior executives.

∨  Labor Representatives: Elected by representatives from each department.

∨  Number of Representatives: An equal number of representatives from both labor and management.

∨  Term of Office: Four years for each term. Labor representatives are eligible for re-election.

∨  Meetings: Held quarterly. Meeting minutes are posted for all employees within one month.